The Master Plan For Employment 1st

Build a robust workforce to address staffing challenges for  employers across California including the private sector, public sector and government.

Strengthen the ability for California to speak and act with “one voice” on Employment First efforts.

Articulate a shared vision and strategic goals and objectives with clear steps to meet them, both within CalHHS and across other agencies and stakeholders.

Include robust engagement from people with lived experience, especially from communities of color and other historically underserved communities, and other diverse external partners from the nonprofit and private sectors.

Identify and recommend ways to align Employment First efforts across departments, and coordinate with broader Administration efforts around employment and/or disability including structural changes in the ways that services are funded,  utilizing “The Transition Plan to Phase Out Subminimum Wage – SB 639” as a starting point.

Develop a high-level multi-year work plan spanning departments with clearly defined initiatives, lead/responsible entities for each initiative and expected deliverables, and timeframes for completion of key milestones within each initiative.

Identify key performance indicators needed to track both systems-level and individual-level outcomes, drive policy and program changes needed to collect and utilize such data.